Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Stay hungry, stay foolish

A year ago or so, I was sitting in the living room of some dear friends of mine. They were uprooting. They love books, and part of the uprooting was going through their formiddable stash of books and see what could go. I was sitting on the floor and picking intriguing titles out from a bookshelf. As I picked out a thick old catalogue, Sears I believe, my friend started telling me about another catalogue, The Whole Earth Catalogue. He had a glint in his eyes as he told me about this adventurous project.

Since then, I have heard that name mentioned a few times, and every time, it has been in some warm, nostalgic context. Like an emblem of free thinking, the notion that everything is possible. Of innocence, even.

Say what you may about the mercurial Steve Jobs, he does know how to give a good speech (Visiting Lecturers and Speeches -> Steve Jobs' 2005 Commencement Address on Video).